Multiply Church exists to glorify God through multiplying

disciples among our neighbors and the nations.

  • God Glorified.

    God's ultimate goal is to uphold and display His glory among the nations. He reveals his glory to all peoples so that He may receive glory from all of creation. Therefore, to praise or speak openly and truthfully of God is to glorify Him. The ultimate motivation and goal of everything we do at Multiply Church is the glory of God.

  • Disciples Multiplied.

    The mission of God can be read on every page of the Bible. Before the foundation of the world, God had in mind a plan to redeem for Himself a people for His glory among the nations. Jesus makes it clear that our part in His plan is to “make disciples of all nations.” Multiply Church is committed to multiplying disciples, churches, and Great Commission initiatives for the glory of God.

  • Neighbors and Nations.

    Revelation 7:9 depicts a massive gathering around the throne of God’s people from every tribe, nation, and language. Not one tribe, nation, language, or people is missing. This vision compels us to declare and demonstrate the gospel to our not-yet-believing neighbors and to the not-yet-believing nations. Every follower of Jesus has a part in taking the gospel to the nations.