What to Expect

At A Sunday Gathering

  • We meet in the cafeteria of an intermediate school, so we set up and tear down every week. Do not be surprised if lunch tables are placed to the sides of the gathering space or even used as seating!

    Multiply Church has a relaxed and casual atmosphere. The majority of people dress casually or in business-casual attire.

  • Multiply Church favors a "blended" style of worship. Expect to hear recently released worship music, old hymns, or even the singing of Scripture.

  • At Multiply Church, we value Christ-centered, expository preaching. We prefer to preach through the Bible book by book, verse by verse. We believe that all of Scripture bears witness to Christ. As a result, those who preach the Word should desire to proclaim Christ throughout Scripture. The goal of Christ-centered expository preaching is not to "look for Jesus under every rock," but to discover how a specific text fits into the larger redemptive story that culminates in Christ. (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

    Furthermore, we believe in a plurality of elders. Any given Sunday, you will either hear from one of our elders or from someone who has been authorized to preach by the elders.

  • Every week, Multiply Church observes the Lord's Supper (or Communion/Eucharist) to remember and participate in the power of Jesus' life. The bread and cup commemorate a new covenant and connect us to a new source of life.

    This meal is an invitation to remember Jesus. It represents the life and death of Jesus to the senses in the same way that the meals God established for the Israelites did. This meal serves as a reminder of what Jesus has already done for us, not something we do for Jesus. And it becomes something we do with Jesus. Every week, we join him in it.

    The Lord's Supper serves as a reminder of the life and ministry of Jesus and identifies us as heirs to His new covenant. All the while, it looks forward to the final glorious feast. The meal offers a taste of real life—a taste of what is to come.

    May practicing this meal of the new covenant instill in us a sense of anticipation for His return and gratitude for all that He is and all that He has done every single Sunday.

  • The people at Multiply Church are amazing and enjoy meeting new people. We acknowledge that we are all flawed and in need of grace. Our hope is that you will encounter Jesus' love through our church's radically ordinary hospitality.

  • We have a fantastic team devoted to discipling children. However, we place a high value on family discipleship. We believe that parents (particularly fathers) should be the primary disciplers in their children's lives.

    As a result, Multiply Kids provides environments for children aged six months to four years old. Everyone aged five and up is expected to sit with their families. The benefits of watching you worship are enormous for your children. You have the honor and responsibility of demonstrating genuine worship for them.